Establishing a Lifestyle-Driven Flipping Business with Tracy Royce

In this episode, Tracy Royce shares her experience moving into the distressed real estate market and flipping business full time from being behind the scenes. Tracy is a full time flipper, landlord, and rehabber with an expertise in distressed real estate. She is passionate about sharing her story on how she has built her own business and brand in real estate to further her path to financial independence.

Connect with Tracy on Instagram and TikTok @royceofrealestate

Elisa Zhang is the owner and principal of over $450M in multifamily apartment buildings. She is also a mother of two kids, an artist, an educator, and the breadwinher of her family.

She provides in-depth advice and education on financial independence, real estate investing, generating passive income, mindset hacks, and productivity hacks through EZ FI (Financial Independence) University. She is on a mission to help others have the financial freedom to retire early from their jobs and make money while they sleep by investing in real estate.

Other ways to stay in touch:

Instagram: @elisazhang_fi


Facebook: EZ FI (Financial Freedom) Lab

Learn more about Elisa and get additional free advice at:

Vikram Jethwani